Abortion Types and Procedures

Disclaimer: Hope Pregnancy Center does not administer, perform, prescribe nor refer for abortion procedures or medications. 

Abortion Procedure Information:

Chemical Abortion Pill

  • RU-486 is a series of pills that were approved by the FDA in 2000; it is otherwise known as The Abortion Pill. It is a chemical abortion (not surgical).
  • It is not an option for people with certain medical conditions. See more HERE (hyperlink to Abortion Pill information page (LA.1))
  • The pill is not the same as the emergency contraceptive The Morning After Pill or Plan B One Step.

Surgical Abortion:

Vacuum Aspiration/Suction Currettage – Up to 13 weeks LMP. Most early surgical terminations are performed using this method. Local anesthesia is typically used to reduce pain. The abortion involves opening the cervix, passing a tube inside the uterus, and attaching it to a suction device which pulls the embryo out.

Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) – 14 weeks LMP and up. Most second trimester terminations are performed using this method. Local anesthesia, oral, or intravenous pain medications and sedation are commonly used. General anesthesia may be used, if available. Besides the need to open the cervix much wider, the main difference between this procedure and a first trimester abortion is the use of forceps to grasp fetal parts and remove the baby in pieces. D&E is associated with a much higher risk of complications compared to a first trimester surgical abortion.

D&E After Viability7-9 – 21 weeks LMP and up. This procedure typically takes 2–3 days and is associated with increased risk to the life and health of the mother. General anesthesia is usually recommended, if available. Drugs may be injected into the fetus or the amniotic fluid to stop the baby’s heart before starting the procedure. The cervix is opened wide, the amniotic sac is broken, and forceps are used to dismember the fetus. The “Intact D&E” pulls the fetus out legs first, then crushes the skull in order to remove the fetus in one piece.

Abortion is a medical procedure.

All medical procedures have risks and potential side effects involved.

Talk with your doctor, discuss the possibilities of risk and side effects before making a decision.

The content on this page has been reviewed and approved by our Medical Director.