After Abortion Support



Abortion is a difficult decision to make. After you make that decision, you are not alone.  We are here to walk with you. Hope Pregnancy Center offers support after abortion.

While the physical side of abortion is widely talked about, the emotional side is rarely mentioned. Many women report having a range of emotions after an abortion that surprise them and then don’t know where to turn to for help.

We’re here to help you find healing from the pain of a past abortion. We offer support and a safe place to talk.


When you are no longer pregnant, the body goes through significant hormonal readjustments. If this is due to an abortion, it is common to experience emotional or behavioral issues that you haven’t encountered before, and may be from your past abortion experience. These feelings are often called PAS or Post-Abortion Syndrome: a form of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) that can manifest after having an abortion procedure.

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from PAS:

  • Severe depression or anxiety
  • Feeling like you can’t talk to anyone about your experience
  • Loss of interest in activities that previously brought you joy
  • Inability to maintain relationships
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Feeling angry or irritable with no seeming cause
  • Avoiding people or places that remind you of your experience

FIND HEALING, FIND PEACE from Post-Abortion Syndrome

If you are one of the millions of women suffering from the pain of a past abortion, we want you to know that there can be healing and freedom. If you have never shared your experience with others or sought out counseling, it could be affecting your current quality of life in a negative way.

At Hope Pregnancy Center, we have caring and compassionate staff who can help you start your journey to healing.
Please call us at (320) 235-7619 to learn more about support after abortion in Willmar, MN.

The content on this page has been reviewed and approved by our Medical Director.